In 2021, PK7 Studios made its mark on the Indian film industry with the release of MUDDY, a one of a kind off-road adventure film produced in five languages for a pan-India audience. MUDDY showcased our commitment to innovative filmmaking, earning critical acclaim and setting a strong foundation for our journey in the industry.

As we look ahead, PK7 Studios has several exciting projects in the pipeline, each crafted to push creative boundaries while resonating deeply with diverse audiences. Our team of talented directors, writers, and technical experts works collaboratively, blending artistry with the latest technology to create memorable cinematic experiences.

At PK7 Studios, we believe in the power of film to tell stories that matter. With a dedication to quality and authenticity, we handle each stage of production with precision and creativity. Join us on our journey as we continue to bring impactful stories to life and explore new horizons in filmmaking. Stay tuned for our upcoming projects the best is yet to come!